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Why we must eat halal food?


Islamic teachings strongly emphasize the importance to embody "Halal" in every aspect of Muslim life, especially in fulfilling the dietary requirements; as food consumed eventually become our blood and meat

Qur'an and Hadith are the basis for the determination of halal and haram in relation to food. This is stated in several Quranic verses Surah Al Maidah verses (1, 4, 5 and 88). There is also one of the Al-Quran verses that orders Muslims to only eat halal or permissible food is Al-Baqarah, 2:168. The verse is as follows: 

O Mankind! Eat anything lawful, wholesome that exists on earth, and do not follow in Satan’s footsteps; he is an open enemy of yours (Al-Baqarah, 2:168).

This is further supported by a hadith as narrated by At-Tirmidhi: 1205), the Prophet said:   

“Halal (the lawful and permissible) is clear and haram (the unlawful & impermissible) is clear. Between halal and haram lays some doubtful things. Many people do not know whether it is permissible or not. Whoever leaves out these doubtful things in order to protect his religion and honour, then he is safe.” 

Consuming what is halal is a way for Muslim to fulfil the principles of maqasid al-shariah, especially in the protection of life or soul, protection of intellect as well as religion. Protection of soul and life is very influential to one’s harmony in living life. Halal and toyyib diet are closely related to healthy diet. Healthy body from diet that are toyyib makes it easier for Muslim to worship Allah (SWT). 

This is related to preserving the religion, one of the maqasid al-sharia, which is fundamental in Islamic law. Muslim believe that consuming halal food will make it easier for someone to worship and maintain their religion, then with this hifz ad-din will be fulfilled.
